Need a new search?

If you didn't find what you were looking for, try a new search! for Job Seekers


If you are actively looking for a job, in addition to sprucing up your resume, activating your network, there is [...]

Video Job Interviews


Welcome to the definitive guide to excel in a video job interview.  The article is comprehensive and consists of actionable [...]

Resume Tips


Welcome to Inpsiware’s Ultimate Resume Tips and Strategies. Here are 37 actionable ideas and 10 do's and don'ts to improve [...]

Affirmations for Kids and Young Adults

2021-03-30T11:56:45+00:00 offers a set of free, downloadable, and printable positive affirmations for kids and young adults. Positive and inspiring affirmations [...]

Phone Interview Tips


Here are the top ten phone interview tips for making a solid first impression and getting to the next step [...]

Positive Statements to Boost Morale


Each day, and if possible multiple times a day, pause a moment for self-reflection and tell yourself something positive. Positive [...]

The Vigilant Owl Fable


The Vigilant Owl Fable: Instead of flying around for fun with friends, Ollie the Owl was on guard to keep [...]

List of Affirmations


One of the key features of is our focus on Affirmations and here is the list of affirmations in [...]

The Industrious Ant Fable


When a bunch of ants in an ant colony graduated to senior status, Ian's brothers' wasted time and were partying. [...]

Job Application Tracker Template

2019-03-26T11:56:13+00:00 Job Application Tracker Template is an excel spreadsheet to help job seekers organize their quest for a career.  (Other [...]