Leadership Spectrum Agility:

The Leadership Spectrum Agility by Dr. Mary Lippitt of enterprise management limited provides a framework for helping leaders develop the right situational awareness and instincts to act without the blinders of conventional wisdom.

The leadership spectrum agility framework lists six situations – Inventing, Catalyzing, Developing, Performing, Protecting, and Challenging and then states high-level the Drivers, Approach, and Impediments.

According to the firm, the leadership spectrum agility helps in the following ways:

  • Helps identify drivers of a given initiative.
  • Reduces the reliance on old models and conventional wisdom.
  • Identify pitfalls and come up with creative solutions
  • Improve critical thinking and risk management
  • Plug into emerging trends and patterns
  • Build support for complex implementations
  • Embrace situational awareness

Mary Lippitt is also the creator of Managing Complex Change framework.

While no framework is in of itself a panacea to complex corporate challenges, understanding the intricacies of different management concepts and frameworks helps leaders in making informed and data-driven decisions rather than stick to “we have always done it this way,” type conventional wisdom.

Additional Resources:

Dr. Mary Lippitt’s Managing Complex Change Framework.

Read Wisdom Stories from Thought Leaders.

Books by Dr. Mary Lippitt:



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