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What are you doing for lunch?


“What are you doing for lunch?” is the classic question that comes up between colleagues in millions of offices across [...]

Move Faster: If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough


“If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough.” - Mario Andretti Today, we are moving at the [...]

Project Resource Commitment Matrix


The Project Resource Commitment Matrix is an Excel template to help manage the resources and their time allocation to the [...]

Personal Mission Statement


Similar to how companies can have a vision statement and a mission statement, individuals can develop personal vision statements and [...]

Resignation Letter Template


Here is a Resignation Letter Template for those extraordinary occasions when you have a great new job and can't wait to move [...]

Limiting Beliefs


We all have limiting beliefs. Many of them. They are pervasive and pernicious.  Despite the prevalence and the toxic effects [...]

Winning Attitude Worksheet


The Winning Attitude Worksheet will walk you through a series of questions and answering them honestly will help seed and [...]

Balance your Skills and Competencies


You need to balance your skills and competencies to be successful in your career.  Over-reliance on IQ (Intelligence Quotient) or [...]

Change Request Log Template


Change Request Log Template is a simple Excel Worksheet to capture all the incoming requests for changes in an IT [...]

Change Control Template


A Change Control Template, in conjunction with a change control process, helps project teams compile the requests for changes in [...]